Contents: Greetings (International Friendship and Women's History, by Leonore Davidoff; 'Joyous Greetings', by Joan W. Scott); The Private is Political (The Memory of Strong Women and the Shaping of Icelandic Identity, by Agnes Arnorsdottir; Women in Urban Public Life in the 18th Century, by Ida Bull; A Case Study of Woman's Role and Infant Mortality, by Sølvi Sogner; Modernization of Marriage in Scandinavia, by Bente Rosenbeck); Lived Lives - Political Activism on the Up (Fredrikke Qvam: A Woman's Practice of Democracy Before Suffrage, by Kari Melby; For Generations - Family, Kinship and Female Activism - Louise Harbou and her Daughters, by Tinne Vammen; When Anaïs Nin met Alva Myrdal, or Modernism and Woman Power, by Yvonne Hirdman); Social and Political Citizenship (Women in Politics - India, by Aparna Basu; Indigenous Women's Voices in Colonial Reform Narratives - Victoria and New Zealand/Aotearoa, by Patricia Grimshaw; The Development of Citizenship in Norway: Marshall Remodelled, by Anne-Hilde Nagel; Women and Social Citizenship n Twentieth Century Welfare States, by Jane Lewis); Feminisms - Concepts, Theories, Practice (Women and Men are, but Gender does. Reading some paradoxes in Nordic Women's History Texts, by Marianne Liljeström; Diverse Identities: Constructing European Feminisms, by Mary Nash; 'Eruptions and Flows' - Thoughts on Writing a Comparative History of European Feminisms, 1700-1950, by Karen Offen); Bibliography (Ida Blom: A Bibliography, by Ingeborg Fløystad); list of Contributors; Tabula Gratulatoria.