SOAS studies in modern and contemporary Japan. First edition. Contents: Introduction (Dismantling the nation; Consumption as a national goal; Chapterization); Consumer Society and the Media (Consuming the Cold War; Distributing the fruits of productivity; The media; Conclusion); Everyday Life, Cold War Division and Postwar Nationalisms (Something old, something new; The divided nation; Food, power and everyday life; A free people (dokuritsu kokumin); Bitter Rice; Conclusion); A Nation of Consumers?(Peace, prosperity and the 1964 Olympics; The day Japan was coldest; Soft money in the Silver 60s; Making Japanese into world people; Danger within and without; Conclusion); The Contradictions of Consumer Society (Peace and prosperity; 'National symbols'; Vietnam to variety; 'Race war'; Okinawa is cheap!; Conclusion); Conclusion (Being Japanese: Nihonjinron, consumer society and national subjectivity; The subjective discovery of the nation; All things to the people); Notes; Bibliography; Index.

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