Contents: Foreword by Lena Rahoult; Introduction by Evan Snyderman; Comment by Julius Shulman; Essay by Andrea Codrington (Home in Helsingborg; 'Wood in My Soul'; Konstfack Creative Formation; The Stockholm Exhibition; A Fan of 'Funkis'; Studio Siren; The Roving Reporter; The Young Moderns; A Brush with Royalty; Architectural Aspirations; Sweden Sweeps New York; New World New Beginnings; Beverly Hills Blonde; Making the Modern Scene; Moving to Hollywood; The Barker Brothers Break; Hilltop Houses; Gender Bender; Fromm 'Grasshopper' to 'Good Design'; Revisiting Sweden; The '62 Series'; Into the Sunset); Plate section Industrial design; Plate section Architecture and Interiors; Plate section Drawings; Article by Karin Åberg Wærn; Swedish summary by Karin Åberg Wærn; Chronology 1929-65; Index; Biographical notes; Contributors; Acknowledgements.

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