The Swedish Emigrant Institute series 6. Engelsk text. Innehåll: Authors; Participants; Introduction by Ulf Beijbom; Ethnic relations in American Cities (An Inter-Ethnic Perspective on American Immigration History, by Rudolph J. Vecoli; Ethnic Patterns in American Cities: Historiographical Trends, by Kathleen Neils Conzen; The Importance of Being Protestant: The Swedish Role in Worcester, Massachusetts 1868-1930, by Charles W. Estus & Kevin L. Hickey & Kenneth J. Moynihan; Intermarriage and the Melting Pot in Moline 1910, by Dag Blanck & Peter Kivisto; Swedes in Winnipeg up to 1940s. Inter-Ethnic Relations, by Lars Ljungmark; Small Towns and Scandinavian-American Urban Life: A Case Study in the History of Mentality, by John R. Christianson); Swedish Immigrant Women in American Cities (European Immigrant Women in Chicago at the Turn of the Century: A Comparative Approach, by Christiane Harzig & Dirk Hoerder; The Promised Land for Swedish Maids, by Ulf Beijbom; Prominent Women in the Pioneer Period of Swedish Immigration, by Nils William Olsson); Literary and Cultural Life (Cultural Interplay Between Sweden and Swedish America, by H. Arnold Barton; Swedish-American Organizations as Cultural Institutions: The Case of Rockford, Illinois, by Lars Wendelius; Providing an Ethnic Identity: Journalist in Swedish-America, by Anna Williams; Prärieblomman: A Swedish-American Literary Calender, by Birgitta Svensson; Valkyrian. An Acclaimed Contribution to the Tragic History of Swedish-American Periodicals, by Gunnar Thander; The 'Risberg School' in Chicago: American Aid and Swedish Immigrant Ministerial Education 1885-1916, by Philip J. Anderson; Swedes, Norwegians and the Columbian Exposition of 1893, by Odd S. Lovoll; The Elusive Images of Home, by Mary Swanson); Life Stories and Oral History (Polyethnic Panorama: The Life Stories of Undistinguished Americans as Told by Themselves, by Werner Sollors; Practical Experiences of Oral History, by Lennart Setterdahl).

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