The Nordic experience 1. Innehåll: List of Figures; List of Contributors; Series Preface; Series Acknowledgements; Acknowledgements; Introduction: Performing Nordic Heritage - Institutional Preservation and Popular Practices, by Peter Aronsson & Lizette Gradén; Walking Nordic : Performing Space, Place and Identity, by Susanne Österlund-Pötzsch; 'Something in the Air': Performing the North within Norden, by Katla Kjartansdóttir & Kristinn Schram; A Windmill and a Vikinghjem: The Importance of Visual Icons as Heritage Tropes among Danish-Americans, by Hanne Pico Larsen; Negotiating Local, National and Nordic Identities through Commemorations, by Ingemar Lindaräng & Torbjörn Eng; Banal Nordism: Recomposing an Old Song of Peace, by Stuart Burch; 'Nordic' as Border Country Rhetoric: Danish versus German in South Jutland Museums and Memorial Culture, by Olav Christensen; Performing Nordic Spaces in Scandinavian-American Museums: Gift-exchange, Volunteerism, and Curatorial Practice, by Lizette Gradén; The Geopolitics of Distinction: Negotiating Regional Spaces in the Baltic Museums, by Eglé Rindzeviciute; Sweden versus Norden in Nordiska museet, by Magdalena Hillström; Performing the Nordic in Museums: Changing Ideas of Norden and their Political Implications, by Peter Aronsson; Conclusion: Performing Nordic Spaces in Everyday Life and Museums, by Peter Aronsson & Lizette Gradén; Index.